Freedom of information (FOI)

Freedom of information (FOI) allows individuals to access local government documents and records, promoting transparency and accountability.

About Freedom of Information (FOI)

The City is required to provide a general right of access to documents and records the City holds under the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (although some documents cannot be accessed and are exempt). The types of documents and records that can be accessed are:

  • Non-personal records and documents; or
  • Personal (for applicants who only wishes to obtain personal information that is just about themselves. For example, your personal details - name, contact details, etc.).


All applications will require the following:

  • enough detail to enable the requested documents to be identified (such as property address, subject matter, date range)
  • an Australian postal address and contact details (such as telephone number and email address)
  • an application fee of $30 (for non-personal information).

Important note: Other fees and charges may apply in processing the application. These will be identified once the application is received and processed. The City will advise the applicant.

How to make a Freedom of Information request 

  1. View the Freedom of Information Guide below
  2. Complete the applicable online application form:

Alternatively, you can download a copy of the application form below and lodge it by post, email or in person.

  • Post: addressed to Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 21, Joondalup WA 6919
  • Email:
  • In person: City of Joondalup Administration, 90 Boas Avenue, Joondalup

Freedom of information statement

The Freedom of Information Act 1992 requires the City to publish an annual Information Statement. This document details ways in which the public can participate in the City’s decision making processes and how the public can gain access to City documents.

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