Codes of conduct

The City must adopt two codes of conduct:

  • a code of conduct for elected members, committee members and local government election candidates
  • a code of conduct for employees.

Council members, committee members and election candidates

The Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Election Candidates (see below), sets out principles and standards of behaviour that must be observed and is intended to promote accountable and ethical decision-making and conduct.

  1. Complete the Code of Conduct Elected and Committee-Members Complaint Form (PDF)
  2. Return the signed complaint form, via:

Alleged breaches of minor behavioural matters within the code (Division three) are investigated by the City, through the City’s complaint and investigation process detailed in the code of conduct and the City’s Complaint Investigation Council Policy. Alleged breaches of a rule of conduct within the code (Division four), are deemed a minor breach which is to be investigated by the Local Government Standards Panel.

Any alleged breach of the code by a local government election candidate, can be made at anytime but will only be investigated should the candidate be elected as a council member.

For more information on the Model Code of Conduct visit the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries website.


The Code of Conduct for Employees (see below) sets out principles and standards of behaviour that employees must observe.

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