CCTV cameras

The City's public areas CCTV service provides CCTV systems (both static and mobile units) in various public spaces throughout the City of Joondalup, driven by several objectives, these include:  

  • Deterring criminal, anti-social, and suspicious activities 
  • Monitoring and recording ongoing incidents 
  • Addressing factors contributing to a fear of crime 
  • Aiding authorised agencies such as the WA Police in their investigations and prosecutions with accessible images, and  
  • Assisting the City in event coordination, emergency management, and traffic monitoring in public areas.  

The City collaborates closely with WA Police and other agencies to ensure responsible and effective CCTV implementation and use. The CCTV systems focus solely on publicly accessible spaces, refraining from recording private properties or activities. All recorded footage is securely stored and is only accessible to the public under legal orders or Freedom of Information Act 1992 provisions. 

City of Joondalup and WA Police Memorandum of Understanding

In May 2016 a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed by both the City of Joondalup and WA Police. The MOU outlines the understanding that the City will share CCTV data with WA Police to further enhance the safety and security of the Western Australian community. The MOU together with the inclusion of the public areas CCTV cameras on a state register ensures that WA Police and authorised agencies can have timely access to high value CCTV footage to support community safety and security initiatives. 

Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR)

ANPR cameras, which record details like Vehicle Registration Number, vehicle classification, and the time and date of capture, have been implemented throughout the City and are expected to address various safety concerns raised by the community by:

  • Enhancing the WA Police Force’s ANPR capabilities, allowing for faster incident response, improved community safety, and better support for investigating and prosecuting offenses.
  • Assisting the WA Police Force in locating stolen or unlicensed vehicles, unlicensed drivers, vehicles of interest, missing persons, and individuals at risk.

CCTV requests

Requests from the public

CCTV images and recording are not made available to members of the public unless such access is ordered by a legal ruling, or through a Freedom of Information request. For more details on how to make a Freedom of Information request, visit the Freedom of information (FOI) page.

Request from authorised agencies

Authorised agencies, such as WA Police or City of Joondalup staff can request images from the City of Joondalup public areas CCTV cameras online.

 Complete the Agency or Staff Member – CCTV online form

CCTV Rebate Scheme

Are you a City of Joondalup resident or business looking at installing new CCTV cameras?

The City of Joondalup’s CCTV Rebate Scheme is open now open to eligible residents and businesses within the City of Joondalup. Closed-circuit television (CCTV) can be a useful tool in the detection, investigation, and prosecution of crimes and can discourage anti-social behaviour. The Scheme is aimed at increasing the number of public-facing CCTV cameras and encourages residents/businesses to install and maintain a high-quality CCTV system at their residence or business.

Applying for the rebate

The City is offering a 50 per cent rebate, to a maximum of $500, toward the cost of a new CCTV system to eligible applicants (Terms and Conditions apply).

The Scheme will operate as a two-step process:

1. The Scheme will operate as a two-step process:

  • Step 1: Applicants must first seek and receive approval from the City for the proposed CCTV system before purchasing and installing a system ("Pre-approval').
  • Step 2: Once the City has granted Pre-approval, applicants must install and pay for the CCTV system. They must then provide the City with the following supporting evidence when applying for rebate approval:

Important note: The City will not process a Rebate Payment application until the applicant has received Pre-approval. 

2. Eligibility: 

  • Applicants must be 18 years or over. 
  • Only properties within the City of Joondalup are eligible to apply for the Rebate. 
  • Properties must be able to accommodate at least one camera view of a "public area" such as footpaths, verges, roads, parks or any other space deemed by the City to be a "public area" for the Scheme. 
  • Rear properties, or properties with a limited view of a public area, may not be eligible for the Scheme. 
  • Residents/businesses with existing CCTV systems are not eligible to apply for the Rebate. 
  • Applicants with outstanding debt with the City are not eligible to apply (this excludes payment arrangements for current-year rates). 
  • One application per applicant, per round of funding, will be considered. 
  • A Class 2 licensed and registered security installer must provide the quote and then install the CCTV system according to requirements of the Surveillance Devices Act 1998 (Cth) and Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). 

3. The City will Rebate 50 per cent of the total invoiced cost of the CCTV system, to a maximum Rebate amount of five hundred dollars ($500).

4. Commercial businesses, or private residences operating a business that is registered for GST, will receive a Rebate to a maximum of $500 GST Inclusive ($454.55 + $45.45 GST). 

5. At least one CCTV camera must include a view of a public area. 

6. Public-facing cameras must meet the following technical requirements: 

  • Minimum of three (3) megapixels 
  • 31 days constant recording and storage 
  • Night-time capable (infrared) 
  • Hard-wired to the property. 

7. Applicants must: 

  • Be a property or business owner, or if not by an owner, then the Applicant to provide written consent from the property/business owner in the application for Pre-approval. 
  • Ensure the proposed CCTV system meets the 50 per cent facial recognition requirement of the WA State CCTV Facial Recognition Test Chart. 
  • Agree to register their CCTV system via Cam-Map WA and provide proof of registration. 
  • Agree to operate and maintain the CCTV system in working order for a minimum of 12-months.Failure to do so may result in the City retrieving Rebate payments from the Applicant. 
  • Seek Pre-approval and receive written acceptance of Pre-approval from the City prior to installation of and payment for the CCTV system. 
  • Install and pay for the system in full, and register the system with Cam-Map WA within 60 days of pre-approval from the City, before submitting a Rebate Payment application. 

8. Applicants accept that it can take up to 6-8 weeks for Rebate funds to be deposited into their nominated account once approved by the City. 

9. The City makes no recommendation regarding CCTV systems, brands, suppliers and/or installers.

10. Any acceptance of Pre-approval applications or Rebate payment applications and payment of Scheme funding, remain at the discretion of the City. 

11. The City provides no guarantee a Rebate will be approved. 

12. Applicants agree to complete a feedback survey.

Applicants must first obtain a written quote from a Class 2-licensed security business, ensuring that it confirms the public-facing cameras meet these technical requirements:

  • minimum of three (3) megapixels
  • 31 days of continuous recording and storage
  • night-time capability (infrared)
  • hard-wired to the property.

Applicants must then seek and receive pre-approval from the City for the proposed CCTV system before purchasing and installing it. 

Pre-approval checklist

Before submitting your CCTV Rebate Pre-approval application, please consider and note the following: 

  • You must be 18 years of age or older.
  • You must live, own a property (residential or commercial), or own or work in a business within the City of Joondalup.
  • (For residential properties) You are the owner of the property where the CCTV is to be installed or you have written permission from the property owner for you to participate in the Scheme and apply for Pre-approval.
  • (For businesses and commercial properties) You are the business owner and/or owner of the property where the CCTV is to be installed or you have written permission from the business/property owner for you to participate in the Scheme and apply for Pre-approval.
  • A written quote has been obtained for the proposed installation of the CCTV system from a registered security business with a Class 2 security licence. Written quotes must include the Security Agent Installer licence number.
  • You will provide a photo of the proposed field of view of the public-facing camera.
  • You will need to pay for, install the CCTV System and apply for the CCTV Rebate Payment (Step 2) within 60 days of receiving notice of Pre-approval from the City.
  • You understand you will be required to register your CCTV system with Cam-Map WA and operate and maintain your CCTV system for no less than 12 months.
  • The City reserves the right to cancel Rebate approvals and/or payments at any time if any of the above conditions have not been met to the satisfaction of the City.
  • You have read and understand the Terms and Conditions.

Once the City has granted Pre-approval, applicants must install and pay for the CCTV system. They must then provide the City with the following supporting evidence when applying for rebate approval:

Important note: the City will not process a Rebate Payment application until the applicant has received Rebate Approval. The Scheme will run until the allocated funds are exhausted.

An owner, tenant or authorised agent of properties located within the City of Joondalup who meets the eligibility criteria, as outlined in the Terms and Conditions.

If you are not the owner of a property or business and would like to apply for the Rebate, you must seek written consent from the owner and submit the written consent with your application.

  1. Read the Terms and Conditions. 
  2. Review the Step 1 Pre-approval checklist before you begin your application to ensure you have everything you need to start the process. Consider whether your property can offer a line of sight to a public area which may be useful.
  3. Seek quotes for installation from licensed installer(s) who hold a Class 2 Security Agent License and the CCTV system. The City recommends seeking multiple quotes to ensure the best value.
  4. Apply for Step 1 Pre-approval: If you have all that you need as set out in the pre-approval checklist, complete the Pre-approval Application Form. Once submitted, you will receive a confirmation email from the City confirming receipt of your Pre-approval application. Your Pre-approval application will be assessed by the City within 10 business days.
  5. If your application for Pre-approval is successful, you will receive an email confirming Pre-approval along with instructions on the next steps. Within 60 days of receiving Pre-approval from the City.
  6. Proceed with the installation and payment of the CCTV system. The Pre-approval notification from the City will include a link to the CCTV Rebate Payment (Step 2) form.
  7. Once your new CCTV system has been installed and you have paid for it in full, complete the Step 2 CCTV Rebate Payment form by following the link in the Step 1 Pre-approval email and ensure you have met all other terms and conditions. You will need to include:
    • Receipt of payment for the system and installation.
    • Documentation from the licensed installer detailing the technical specifications of your new system.
    • A date and time-stamped still image of you holding the facial recognition test chart. within the public space, taken from the public-facing camera.
    • Proof of your registration with Cam-Map WA.
    • Your bank account details.

Frequently asked questions

No. Existing CCTV systems are not eligible for the City's CCTV Rebate. 

No. The aim of the City's CCTV Rebate Scheme is to increase the total number of CCTV systems which meet minimum technical requirements to feed into Cam-Map WA which can be used by WA Police and the City to aid in the detection and prosecution of anti-social and criminal activity in the City of Joondalup.

The CCTV system must be a fixed camera and installed according to the Surveillance Devices Act 1998 and Privacy Act 1988. The public-facing camera of a CCTV system must meet the following minimum technical requirements to be eligible for consideration of the Rebate: 

  1. three (3) megapixels
  2. 31 days constant recording 
  3. night-time capable 
  4. hardwired
  5. footage must be time and date stamped.

No. Due to the unreliability of battery and solar-powered systems, wireless CCTV systems are not eligible for the Rebate. For the Rebate to be approved, a hard-wired system is required so that the recording of the public space is as reliable and consistent as possible and recording of the public space is not compromised by, for example, dead batteries on a wireless camera.

The City makes no recommendation as to any particular system, brand, supplier or installer. It is up to you to liaise with security companies and installers to get advice and a system which meets the minimum technical requirements and terms and conditions of the scheme. The City encourages you to speak with various suppliers and seek quotes to obtain the best product and value for money required for an eligible system.

The Cam-Map WA database assists WA Police with its investigations. Registering your system assist WA Police in locating CCTV cameras during investigations and is a requirement of the City's CCTV Rebate Scheme Terms and Conditions.

CCTV system locations must be registered with the WA Police Cam-Map WA database. Register online via Cam-Map WA. You must provide proof of registration with Cam-Map WA with your CCTV Rebate Payment (Step 10 Application (Step 2).

No, the Rebate is only available for properties located within the boundaries of the City of Joondalup.

No. Applicants are eligible for one rebate per round funding.

Yes. Businesses can apply for the Rebate. Businesses registered for GST will receive a Rebate up to $500, inclusive of GST, so that the Rebate for businesses will total up to $454.55 + $45.45 GST.

Yes you can, subject to the owner of the business providing written consent for the application. The owner's consent will also need to be included with the application (at Step 1).

Yes you can, subject to the owner of the property (landlord) providing written consent for the application and you including that written consent with the application (at Step 1).

No. Applicants must not have any outstanding debts with the City to be eligible (existing payment plans for current-year rates are not considered a debt to the City for the purposes of eligibility for the Scheme).

No. The City provides no guarantee that a Rebate can or will be provided to every eligible applicant. The City has a limited budget allocated for the Scheme and Rebates will be approved and paid on a 'first-come, first served' basis (subject to all eligibility criteria and application requirements being met).

Only once you have received notice from the City that your Rebate Pre-approval application (Step 1) has been approved. Note that you will need to pay for, install the CCTV System and apply for the CCTV Rebate Payment (Step 2) within 60 days of receiving notice of pre-approval from the City.

No. The terms and conditions require that once the City has provided a Pre-approval (at Step 1) for your proposed CCTV system, you need to pay for the purchase and installation of the approved system, and then submit all documents required for your Rebate Payment application (Step 2) including proof of purchase.Once the City approves your Rebate Payment application, then the Rebate will be paid to your nominated account.

Once your Rebate Application (Step 2) is approved, the funds will be transferred into your account within 6-8 weeks.

Yes, you must operate and maintain the CCTV system according to manufacturer's instructions and keep the system registered with Cam-Map for no less than 12 (twelve) months. If you have received a Rebate for a CCTV system, a failure to operate and maintain the CCTV system or to keep it Cam-Map registered may result in the City seeking repayment of the Rebate.

We also will ask that you complete a feedback survey about the Scheme.

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