Zoning and land use

When considering any property development or changes, it's essential to have a clear understanding of zoning and land use regulations. Learn more about zoning and permitted uses.

Understanding zoning and land use

Every plot of land within the City has a designated zoning under the Local Planning Scheme No. 3. This zoning dictates what land use activities are permitted and which are not.

While some changes to land use do not require approvals, others do. For example, for new commercial developments, securing Development (Planning) Approval is essential. This includes approvals for both the intended use of the land and any buildings on it. 

Understanding Residential Design Codes (R-Codes)

R-Codes, part of the Local Planning Scheme No. 3, regulate the density and design of residential developments. These codes specify development standards including setbacks, building heights, and open space requirements.

Density is indicated by the number of dwellings per hectare, with R20 representing 20 dwellings per hectare, and R80 for 80 dwellings. Higher densities lead to smaller lot sizes and more dwellings, affecting the type and intensity of housing.

Important note: Properties in Housing Opportunity Areas may have dual density codes.

Find the zoning, permitted uses and R-Code(s) of a property

You can find the zoning and R-Code(s) of a particular piece of land in our online mapping system.

Online mapping

To use the online mapping:

  1. Click on the online mapping button
  2. Insert the address at the bottom of the screen and select ‘Search’
  3. The ‘Land’ window on the right-hand side provides Local Government zoning e.g. Residential, Commercial etc, and the applicable R-Code.

To determine what uses are permitted within each zone refer to the Zoning Table in the City’s Local Planning Scheme No. 3 (PDF) (refer to page 7).

Following are definition of the symbols used in the Zoning Table:

Symbol Definition
P The use is permitted if it complies with all relevant development standards or requirements of this Scheme.
D The use is not permitted unless the local government has exercised its discretion by granting development approval.
A The use is not permitted unless the local government has exercised its discretion by granting development approval following advertising.
X The use is not permitted by this Scheme.

Important note: If your intended use isn't listed, it might be considered an 'unlisted use', and may require Development (Planning) Approval as a Change of property or land use application.

Redevelopment requirements – Housing Opportunity Areas

To redevelop at a higher density in Housing Opportunity Areas, property owners must adhere to the Development in Housing Opportunity Areas Local Planning Policy (see below). This ensures new developments are well-designed, enhancing streetscapes and minimising negative impacts on surrounding areas.

For more details, visit the Housing Opportunity Areas web page.

More information and contact

For more information about zoning, land use and R-Codes, contact the Contact the City’s Planning Services team on 9400 4000 or via info@joondalup.wa.gov.au.

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