Change of land use

Every property has a designated ‘use’ under the City's planning scheme. Understand the requirement for changing the business use of a property.

Overview of planning requirements

Starting a new business might require changing your property's 'land use'—like turning a shop into a recreation centre. The need for Development (Planning) Approval depends on your business type and its location. Not all uses are automatically approved for every site.

Before you begin, it’s crucial to understand these planning requirements:

  • Matching business use: If your new business matches the space's previously approved use, you may not need further approval but must adhere to any existing conditions.
  • Business use changes: A different business use may need new planning approval, unless it's exempt under Local Planning Scheme No.3 and/or the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (“the Regs”).
  • Signage and building alterations: Altering signage or the building's exterior might require planning approval, alongside any building or health permits.

Planning a home business? Learn about the specific requirements for home businesses.

Determine if you need planning approval

To determine whether you need Development (Planning) Approval follow these steps. 

Important note: For Steps 2 and 3 you will need to refer to the City's Local Planning Scheme No. 3

You can find the zoning and R-Code(s) of a particular piece of land in our online mapping system.

Online mapping

To use the online mapping:

  1. Click on the online mapping button
  2. Insert the address at the bottom of the screen and select ‘Search’
  3. The ‘Land’ window on the right-hand side provides Local Government zoning e.g. Residential, Commercial etc, and the applicable R-Code.

Please note: the property in question may be located within an Activity Centre Plan area and will show as 'Centre' zoning on the property information panel. You will need to refer to that particular zoning table in the Scheme. 

Determine how your business is classified under 'land use.' For instance, a gym or yoga studio falls under 'Recreation – Private,' while a hairdresser or beauty salon is considered a 'Shop.' For detailed definitions, see Division 2 – Land Use Terms in the Local Planning Scheme No 3 (refer to page 31).

To determine what uses are permitted within each zone refer to the Zoning Tables in the City’s Local Planning Scheme No 3 (refer to page 7).

Following are definition of the symbols used in the Zoning Tables:

Symbol Definition
P The use is permitted if it complies with all relevant development standards or requirements of this Scheme.
D The use is not permitted unless the local government has exercised its discretion by granting development approval.
A The use is not permitted unless the local government has exercised its discretion by granting development approval following advertising.
X The use is not permitted by this Scheme.

Important note: If your intended use isn't listed, it might be considered an 'unlisted use', and may require Development (Planning) Approval.

Provided there is no works component, development (Planning) Approval is not required for a change of use if:

  • The land use is ‘P’ permitted
  • The land use is ‘D’ and meets the requirements as outlined below:
    • Shop: Net lettable area is no more than 300m²
    • Restaurant / Café: Net lettable area is no more than 300m²
    • Convenience store: Store is not used for the sale of petroleum products
    • Consulting rooms: No more than 60% of the glass surface of any window on the ground floor of the consulting room is obscured glass
    • Office: Office is not located on the ground floor of a building
    • Small bar: The lot on which the small bar is located does not directly adjoin a residential zone.
    • Recreation – Private: Nett lettable area of any indoor area of the premises is no more than 300m²; and no more than 60% of the glass surface of any window on the ground floor of a building on the premises is obscured glass.

If you need Development (Planning) Approval, a detailed application will need to be completed. It's a good idea to contact the City first to talk about your project.

Change of Use applications require the following information to be submitted:

  • Application for Development (Planning) Approval form (not required for online applications)
  • Metropolitan Region Scheme Form 1 (PDF)
  • Development details which should include:
    • The nature of the use(s) and previous use(s) of the site
    • The number of employees and customers
    • Hours of operation
    • Any other information which may be useful to the City to understand how the business will operate
  • Justification letter providing written justification addressing any aspects of the development that requires the City to undertake an assessment against the objectives of the City’s Local Planning Scheme No. 3, structure plan or a local planning policy. 
  • Plan package comprising of site plan, floor plan and elevation drawings.
  • If your proposal requires signage, include the details of the sign and the Application for Development Approval for Advertisements (PDF).

Refer to the Application for Development (Planning) Approval Checklist - Change of Use (PDF) for further details on what information is required. 

When you are ready, the Requirements for planning applications webpage has all the information on how to submit your application and what the process involves.

If you're considering any building modifications, starting a food, beauty, or hairdressing business, changing external building features, offering alfresco dining, or adding signage, you'll likely need specific approvals.

For detailed advice on these topics, please refer to the relevant pages:

We recommend contacting the City to discuss your specific project. This step ensures you're guided to all the essential information and understand which approvals your venture may need. Talking to the City early can simplify your process and clear up any questions.

More information and contact

For more information on changing the business use of a property, please reach out to the City's Planning Services team at 9400 4000 or via

Looking to start or grow your business? The City of Joondalup has a dedicated Economic Development and Advocacy team ready to assist you. They offer business advice, access to dedicated programs, and services designed to support your business journey. Contact them at the number provided above or via

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