Noise management and complaints

There are many sources of noise in residential areas. Those responsible for noise, whether individuals or businesses, are frequently unaware of the impact it has on those nearby.

Restrictions for noise depend upon the nature of the noise source. Certain activities are permitted if they occur during certain hours of the day and with a limited duration, while other noise sources must meet allowable (assigned) noise levels that are relative to the time of day that the noise occurs. 

Types of noise

The types of noise issues often investigated include:

How to make a noise complaint

If noise from a neighbour is regularly an issue for you and you believe that the requirements for noise are not being met, you can ask the City to investigate the matter for you by lodging a noise complaint with the City.

Important note: when lodging a noise complaint, you may be asked to maintain a log identifying dates and times of the noise occurrences.

Lodge a noise complaint online 

Noise from anti-social activities

For assistance with noise from anti-social activities, contact the WA Police on 13 14 44. Please note that the WA Police must prioritise calls for assistance. 

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