Elected members and CEO gift register

The City must maintain a register of gifts for Elected Members and the Chief Executive Officer in their official capacity. 


The Local Government Act 1995 requires Elected members and the CEO to disclose gifts which are valued over $300 or are two or more gifts with a cumulative value over $300 (where the gifts are received from the same donor in a 12-month period) within 10 days of receipt. 

Current gift register  

The City’s current Gifts Register for Elected Members and the Chief Executive Officer contains disclosures made since Thursday 15 August 2019.

Previous gift register  

Disclosures made between Wednesday 1 July 2015-Thursday 15 August 2019 are shown in the Former Gifts Register.

Any disclosures made prior to Wednesday 1 July 2015 are contained in hard copy gift registers that are available for public inspection during the City’s standard opening hours

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