Arts and culture

Arts and culture

We recognise that arts and culture have a profoundly positive impact on our community. From small intimate concerts to giant multi-day festivals, opportunities for local artists and large-scale art exhibitions, the City is proud to provide a rich and diverse array of arts and cultural experiences for absolutely everyone to enjoy.

Buswell, The sometimes luxury handbag and other suburban fables,

Art collection

The City of Joondalup’s Art Collection seeks to be a valuable and growing asset to residents and communities - both now and into the future. Sharing the unique identity of Joondalup, the collection includes over 290 artworks and over 50 public artworks.

Image credit: Emma BuswellThe sometimes luxury handbag and other suburban fables, 2022, hand woven glass beads, embroidery, natural pigment and polymer on paper, Winner of the 2022 Invitation Art Prize. Photo by Dan McCabe. 

People at beach Dance Performance Event in sunset

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