Pedestrian accessways

Learn about the requirements for access way planting and maintenance.

Pedestrian Accessway Planting and Maintenance Register

Regulations for the planting and maintenance of these accessways is crucial to guarantee community safety, aesthetic appeal, and proper upkeep. 

City residents who own a property adjoining a Pedestrian/Public Accessway (PAW) and wish to plant and maintain the accessway adjoining their residence can apply to be added to the City’s Pedestrian Accessway Planting and Maintenance Register. 

How to apply for the register

The City will support one application per Pedestrian/Public Accessway (first in, first serve basis).  Registrations are valid for two years from the date of the application, with the City undertaking six-monthly inspections. 

To apply, follow the two-step application process: 

  1. Complete the PAW Application to maintain pedestrian accessway online form, nominating the PAW to be planted and maintained. 
  2. The City will review the application and determine the suitability for the identified accessway. The Lead Applicant will be advised in writing within 14 days of the City’s decision.
  3. if supported in principle the City will: 
    • Provide the lead applicant with a hard copy application form (to obtain written approval from all adjoining property owners). Where a property is rented/tenanted, the lead applicant is to seek the written support of the property owner/s. 
    • Request the lead applicant to develop a planting plan with species in alignment with the Street Verge Guidelines (see below). 
  4. The lead applicant must submit to the City for review: 
    • The hard copy application form demonstrating written support (signatures) of all property owners adjoining the accessway. 
    • A planting plan of proposed works. 

Register requirements 

Registration requires all applicants to: 

  • Maintain the PAW in a safe, good and tidy condition. 
  • Keep footpaths clear of landscaping and trip hazards. 
  • Not use any chemical weed control. 
  • Adhere to the Local Government and Public Property Local Law including planting of approved species only. 
  • Maintain a 1m plant clearance zone from any City or public utility infrastructure such as, but not limited to, lighting, street signs, traffic signs, control boxes, etc.
  • Indemnify the City against damage to people or property as a result of the works undertaken in the PAW. 
  • Reinstate the planting following works undertaken by the City or other service authorities, and note that: 
    • Built structures, staking, plants with thorns and the planting of trees is not permitted. 
    • The City is not liable for any damage or vandalism to plants or landscaping treatments. 
    • The City will not supply plants, mulch or other landscaping materials to undertake the works. 
    • The City will not provide financial or practical assistance to undertake the works. 
    • The Pedestrian Accessway Planting and Maintenance Register does not apply to parks, reserves, or natural areas. 
    • Residents and stakeholders are responsible for the planting and maintenance of the PAW in its entirety (e.g. not just the section/s immediately adjoining their property). 
    • It is the responsibility of the applicants to pay for any damage caused to private, City or public utility infrastructure during the planting and maintenance process. If any damage or disturbance occurs to infrastructure, ensure you contact the City immediately. 

Approval requirements 

No work is to commence without the approval of the City; in doing so parties may be in breach of the Local Government and Public Property Local Law and penalties may apply.  Approval is subject to: 

  • The expressed support of all property owners adjoining the accessway. 
  • Vegetation species/type information is provided to the City prior to any planting being undertaken. 
  • The applicants agree to maintain the Accessway adjoining the registered properties in accordance with the City’s Property Local Law.  

Utility access information 

The City and service authorities, such as the Water Corporation, Telstra and Alinta Gas, may have access and rights over some portion(s) of the PAW under state or federal legislation, and may undertake works which may disturb any of these treated PAWs in gaining the necessary access to their utilities. 

The City/other service authorities may, at any time, require landscaping of a PAW to be repaired or removed, as per the provisions contained in the legislation, or any other written law. If access is required to these services, landscaping treatment at the site may not be reinstated.

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