Design Review Panel

Find out about the role of the Design Review Panel and the process for submitting your proposal for review.

Role of the Design Review Panel

The Joondalup Design Review Panel (JDRP) is a group of experts appointed by Council to provide the City with a range of expert advice on architecture, urban design, landscape design, and sustainability aspects of proposals. The JDRP performs an advisory function only and, although the JDRP does not have decision-making powers, its advice will be taken into consideration in the planning assessment and conveyed to the decision-makers once a formal application is lodged. 

Current panel members

The DRP will draw from a pool of ten external professionals, including a chairperson, deputy chairperson and eight fellow DRP members. DRP members are appointed by the Council, in accordance with the Design Review Panel Terms of Reference. Each meeting comprises a maximum of six panel members, including a chairperson and five other members. 

The current Design Review Panel members are:

  • Director Planning and Community Development (or delegate) - Presiding Member
  • Munira Mackay (chairperson) - Urban Design
  • Simon Venturi - Architecture
  • Kukame McPierzie - Architecture
  • Jackson Liew - Architecture
  • Robin Burnage - Landscape Architecture
  • Tony Blackwell - Landscape Architecture
  • Andrew Howe - Planning
  • James Christou - Architecture / Urban Design
  • Graham Agar - Mechanical Engineer (environmental sustainability)

Meeting dates

Meetings are held at the City of Joondalup Civic Centre each month. Meeting dates for the remainder of 2024 are:

  • Wednesday 16 October 2024
  • Wednesday 20 November 2024
  • Wednesday 18 December 2024

Important notes:

  • These meeting dates are indicative only and are subject to change.
  • Meetings are not open to the public (excluding proponents).
  • Applications for the Design Review Panel will need to be submitted three weeks (15 working days) prior to the meeting date. 

Applicant’s guide to the Joondalup Design Review Panel

Design review is required for the following proposals before lodging the planning application:

  • Multiple dwelling developments.
  • Grouped dwellings (five or more dwellings).
  • New commercial or mixed use developments, excluding additions to existing buildings which do not significantly impact the street or adjoining properties.
  • All applications to be determined by the Joint Development Assessment Panel (DAP), excluding grouped dwelling applications for less than five dwellings, applications for site works and/or infrastructure, and additions to existing buildings that do not significantly impact the street or adjoining properties as determined by the City.
  • Amendment to a DAP proposal which would benefit from design review (as determined by the City).
  • Structure plans, precinct plans, local development plans, local planning policies and Local Planning Scheme No.3 amendments may be referred, where determined appropriate by the City.

Submitting a proposal and information requirements 

Proposals are to be submitted online via the City’s e-application service a minimum of 15 working days prior to a scheduled meeting date. Information required to be submitted is set out in the Joondalup Design Review Panel application form and checklist.

Following lodgement, the proposal will be checked to ensure that all information has been provided and an invoice sent to the applicant identified on the application from. The fee for the JDRP meeting is $600 (if lodged prior to the planning application). Refer to the Planning Schedule of Fees for further information.

Upon payment of the fee, City officers will complete a preliminary assessment and prepare a report to accompany the information submitted. The report will outline the main aspects of the proposal and key areas of non-compliance with the planning framework.

Once the Agenda for a meeting has been finalised, the applicant will receive an email confirming the meeting date and time. This is generally five days before the meeting date. The meeting is held in the Conference Rooms of the Civic Centre (building between the City of Joondalup Administration Building and Joondalup Library).

During the meeting

Applicants are invited to provide a 10 minute presentation to the panel, which should focus on:

  • the vision for the project
  • project background 
  • how the proposal addresses SPP7 and the planning framework. 

The plans provided will be on view on a smartscreen board. The panel may than seek clarification on any points and the Chairperson will invite members to provide individual comment on the proposal. The Chairperson will summarise the panel comments and confirm advice and recommendations.

After the meeting

The Chairperson will confirm the key issues and recommendations for the City. Within 10 working days of the meeting, the City will provide the applicant the minutes of the meeting, including agreed actions and relevant comments and recommendations.

When submitting a planning application for the proposal, a statement is to be provided which details how, and the extent to which, comments made by the panel have been addressed.

Additional panel meetings

A proposal may need to be referred to a further meeting or a meeting after the lodgement of a planning application if the proposal:

  • Is substantially different from the previous proposal and has not responded to previous feedback from the JDRP or has not adequately addressed the recommendations. 
  • Was not reviewed prior to lodgement.

Design advice outside of panel meetings

Proposals may be referred to a single panel member rather than being referred to a full design review panel meeting in limited circumstances. This may occur either following a previous design review panel meeting, or in the place of a panel meeting where considered appropriate. A request for design advice outside of a panel meeting must be approved by the Presiding Member (or their delegate) and the applicable panel member. Please contact the City's Planning Services for further information on this process.

For multiple dwelling developments, refer to Appendix 3 of the Residential Design Codes Volume 2 – Apartments. In addition, applications are to include a design statement outlining how the proposal responds to the SPP7 design principles, and the City’s Environmentally Sustainable Design Checklist.

All applications are to include:

  • Completed Joondalup Design Review Panel application form and checklist (PDF).
  • A list of the members of the project team to assist the panel members to identify any conflicts of interest.
  • Site analysis containing:
    • Site location/wider context plan
    • Aerial photograph
    • Local context plan
    • Site context and survey plan
    • Streetscape elevations and sections
    • Site design response
  • Assessment of site opportunities:
    • Building mass studies
    • Relationship to public domain and surrounding properties
    • Amenity provided for occupants and neighbouring developments
    • Retaining of existing vegetation
    • Landscape design approach (including deep soil zones, location and species of trees)
    • Communal open spaces (if applicable)
    • Any relevant specialist advice (e.g. sustainability, landscaping, engineering)
  • Design proposal
    • Development details
    • Precedents and context that has informed the design proposal
    • Site plan
    • Floor plans
    • Elevations and sections of the proposal in context
    • 3D images or visualisations (if available)
  • Design statement outlining how the proposal response to the SPP7 design principles.
  • City's Environmentally Sustainable Design Checklist (PDF).

For information that is required to be submitted for a development (planning) application, refer to the Requirements for planning applications webpage.

To make an application for the Joondalup Design Review Panel refer to the City’s online application service.

Lodge online application

More information and contact

For more information about the JDRP, contact the City’s Planning Services team on 9400 4000 or email

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