Structure plans
Structure plans are a key planning instrument for coordinating zoning, subdivision and development on an area of land. It can be prepared for an undeveloped area or an established area that is identified for more intense development. They can encompass everything from road layouts to housing densities and land use zones.
There are two types of structure plans:
- Standard structure plan.
- Precinct structure plan (previously known as Activity Centre Plans).
Further information on structure plans and guidance on their preparation is available on the Department Planning, Lands and Heritage website.
Local development plans
A local development plan is a mechanism used to coordinate and assist in achieving better built form outcomes by linking lot design to future development. Local development plans can support the design and coordination of development on small and highly constrained lots, as well as supplement development standards contained in local planning schemes and the Residential Design Codes (R-Codes). Developments that comply with local development plans may be exempt from the need to obtain development (planning) approval.
More information and contact
For more information contact the City's Planning Services on 9400 4000 or via