Structure Plans and Local Development Plans

Structure plans  

Structure plans are a key planning instrument for coordinating zoning, subdivision and development on an area of land. It can be prepared for an undeveloped area or an established area that is identified for more intense development. They can encompass everything from road layouts to housing densities and land use zones.

There are two types of structure plans:

  • Standard structure plan.
  • Precinct structure plan (previously known as Activity Centre Plans).

Further information on structure plans and guidance on their preparation is available on the Department Planning, Lands and Heritage website.

Local development plans 

A local development plan is a mechanism used to coordinate and assist in achieving better built form outcomes by linking lot design to future development. Local development plans can support the design and coordination of development on small and highly constrained lots, as well as supplement development standards contained in local planning schemes and the Residential Design Codes (R-Codes). Developments that comply with local development plans may be exempt from the need to obtain development (planning) approval. 


You can submit applications for Structure Plans and Local Development Plans, including amendments to previously approved plans, through the City’s online application portal.

Apply online

The specific information required for an application related to Structure, Precinct, or Local Development Plans may vary based the nature of the development. However, generally, the following information is often required:

  • Applicant details:
    • Full name and contact details of the applicant.
    • Details of the landowner (if different from the applicant).
  • Property details:
    • Address and legal description of the property.
    • Current zoning and land use
    • Size and dimensions of the property.
  • Project description:
    • Detailed description of the proposed development or use
    • Purpose and rationale behind the proposal.
  • Site plans:
    • Detailed site layout showing proposed structures, roads, parking, landscaping, etc
    • Existing structures and features on the property.
    • Technical reports and studies: depending on the complexity and location of the development, the following might be required:
      • Traffic impact assessment
      • Environmental impact study
      • Geotechnical report
      • Heritage impact assessment (if applicable)
      • Flora and fauna study
      • Noise and vibration study.
  • Designs and elevations: architectural drawings and elevations of proposed structures, showcasing design elements, materials, colours, and heights.
  • Utilities and services plan: Information regarding the provision of utilities like water, electricity, sewage, etc.
  • Landscaping plan: details of proposed plantings, green spaces, and any other landscaping features.
  • Fees: payment of the required application fee, if applicable.
  • Supporting documents: any other documents that support the application, such as letters of endorsement, previous approvals, etc.
  • Statement of compliance: a declaration or statement confirming that the proposal complies with relevant planning and zoning regulations.
  • Environmental Considerations: Details on waste management, energy efficiency, and other sustainable measures.

Always consult the specific requirements of the City, as these can vary and may have unique elements not listed above. It's also beneficial to discuss with a planning consultant or professional to ensure a comprehensive and compliant application.

You can submit applications for new Structure Plans and Local Development Plans and any proposed amendments to previously approved plans, through the City’s online application portal. 

Apply online

The specific information required for an application related to Structure and Precinct Plans is outlined in the WA Planning Manual - Guidance for Structure Plans information on the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) website. The DPLH website provide a manner and form template for how the structure plan is to be prepared and what information is required to be included in the application.

For local development plan application requirements refer to the Framework for Local Development Plans on the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.

Important notes: 

  • Contact the City's Planning Services department to discuss the proposal prior to lodging an application as there may be specific requirements that need to be addressed as part of the proposal.
  • It's also beneficial to engage the services of a suitably qualified planning consultant or professional to ensure a comprehensive and compliant application.
  • Applications will not be accepted if the City deem the proposal is missing any relevant and pertinent information.

Assessment process

  1. The City's Planning Services team will undertake a review of the application when received for compliance with clause 16(1) of the LPS Regulations 2015. 
  2. Within 28 days of the receipt of the application the City will advise the applicant of the acceptance and provide an invoice for the applicable fees. 
  3. If additional information is required a list will be provided along with the invoice.The additional information is to be provided to the City within 14 days following receipt an acknowledgement letter will be provided.
  4. The proposal will be advertised in accordance with the City's Planning Consultation Local Planning Policy for 42 days within 28 days of the acceptance of the application.
  5. After the advertising period has finalised, a report will be sent to the next available Council meeting. The applicant will be advised accordingly.
  6. The Council will determine to either support the proposal with or without modifications or not support the proposal.
    • If Council supports the application with modifications, the City will request the applicant to make the modifications and provide the modified proposal back.
  7. Following Council determination (whether it supports or not supports the proposal), the proposal will be forwarded to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) including Council's determination for final determination. The applicant will be notified accordingly of the WAPC's decision. 


The timeframes for the assessment of a Structure Plan or Precinct Plan are outlined in the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (PDF).

A rough guideline is provided below:

  • The City has 28 days from lodgement to acknowledge and accept the application for assessment.
  • The City is required to advertise the proposal for 28 days from acceptance or payment of the fee for a period of 42 days. 
  • The City has 60 days from close of advertising to provide a recommendation to the WAPC for determination.
  • The WAPC has 120 days to provide a determination on the proposal during which time modifications can be requested.

Assessment process

  1. The City's Planning Services team will undertake a review of the application when received for compliance with clause 49(2) of the LPS Regulations 2015. 
  2. Within 14 days of the receipt of the application the City will advise the applicant of the acceptance and provide an invoice for the applicable fees. 
  3. If additional information is required a list will be provided along with the invoice.The additional information is to be provided to the City within 7 days following receipt of the information, an acknowledgement letter will be provided.
  4. The proposal will be advertised in accordance with the City's Planning Consultation Local Planning Policy for 21 days within 28 days of the acceptance of the application (or receipt of payment).
  5. After the advertising period has finalised, a report will be sent to the next available Council meeting. The applicant will be advised accordingly.
  6. The Council will determine to either support the proposal with or without modifications or not support the proposal.
    • If Council supports the application with modifications, the City will request the applicant to make the modifications and provide the modified proposal back.
  7. If required, the proposal will be forwarded to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) including Council's determination for final determination.
  8. The applicant will be notified accordingly the final decision. 

Important note: Local Development Plans can be determined by the Local Government providing the local development plan does not propose amendments to or the replacement of the deemed-to-comply provision of the R-Codes; and where under the R-Codes, the Commission’s approval is required for the local development plan. 


The timeframes for the assessment of a Structure Plan or Precinct Plan are outlined in the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (PDF). A rough guideline is provided below:

  • The City has 14 days from lodgement to acknowledge and accept the application for assessment.
  • The City is required to advertise the proposal for 28 days from acceptance or payment of the fee for a period of 21 days.
  • A report to Council will be submitted to the next available Council meeting date following the close of the advertising period.

In the event the local development plan requires determination by the WAPC the City has 60 days from the Council meeting to refer the proposal to the WAPC for their final determination.

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For more information contact the City's Planning Services on 9400 4000 or via

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