Find out about tree maintenance and removal requests and guidelines to protect street trees.
In the interest of public safety and for the health of the trees, only the City or its licensed contractors are authorised to carry out any pruning of street trees.
If there are concerns that the tree is a hazard, damaged, diseased, dangerous or dead, the City will investigate and arrange the most appropriate action. It is an offence to interfere with the soil or anything on local government property or take anything from land which is local government property – this includes to damage, injure, prune, remove or kill a tree.
Maintenance and removal requirements
How to apply for street tree maintenance
Please refer to the Tree Management Guidelines (PDF) and request the maintenance of street trees on your property online.
The City recognises the importance of preserving trees for the current community and for future generations.
City may remove trees under the following criteria:
- The tree is dead, in decline or past its safe useful life
- The tree has been deemed, by a suitably qualified person, as a hazard to persons or property and no pruning techniques can alleviate the hazard
- The tree is diseased or damaged past the point of recovery and no remedial treatment will be effective
- A development approved by the City deems the removal necessary, in which case the developer shall be responsible for the amenity value, removal, replacement and establishment costs of a replacement tree
- The tree has been planted by a resident without the City’s approval and may be removed at the resident’s expense
- The tree is deemed by the City to be an inappropriate species for that location.
Trees will not be pruned or removed for any of the following reasons:
- Falling leaves, bark or fruit causing a nuisance
- The variety is disliked or a resident’s preference is for a different species
- A perceived danger that the tree or a limb may fail
- Perceived damage to infrastructure
- The tree shades lawns, gardens, houses, pools, solar panels, etc
- To enhance or clear views, inclusive of advertising signage
- Allergy and/or health problems
- For the installation of non-essential crossovers or verge paving.
Street trees are the property of local government. The City, or its licensed contractors, are the only authority permitted to remove a street tree. Any unauthorised removal of trees within the City, undertaken by persons other than the City or its licensed contractor, is an offence and prosecution can occur.
How to apply for the removal of trees
- Please refer to the Tree Management Guidelines (PDF)
- To request the removal of a tree complete the online form. Please note, that submitting a request to remove a tree does not guarantee its removal.
Many individual and groups of trees are highly valued by the community, including remnants of the original vegetation of the area now left within an urban environment. These trees hold significant value for their visual/aesthetic, botanic/scientific, ecological and historical, commemorative, cultural and social aspects.
The City values the shade, habitat and amenity provided by trees on land owned or managed by the City and commends practices which seek to preserve mature trees where possible.
Significant tree requirements
Please refer to the Tree Management Guidelines (PDF).
Significant Tree Register
The City maintains a Significant Tree Register. This include trees on land owned or managed by the City that are assessed as meeting the requirements of the City’s guidelines for the assessment of significant trees.
For each tree or group of trees on the Significant Tree Register, a statement of significance and a management plan shall be prepared by the City in consultation with an arborist. The City will undertake maintenance work as required to ensure the overall health of the tree/s on an ongoing basis.
Any tree or group of trees that is not on the register, but are considered to be worthy of listing, may be nominated for the City to undertake an assessment and listing consideration in accordance with the City’s guidelines for the assessment of significant trees on land owned or managed by the City.
How to nominate for the Significant Tree Register
To recommend trees to be considered for inclusion in the Significant Tree complete the online form.
The City is working with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) to help stop the spread of invasive pest, the Polyphagous shot-hole borer (PSHB).
PSHB is a serious issue across the Perth metropolitan area, leading to the loss of trees and canopy cover.
How you can help
If you suspect borer damage, report it to DPIRD on 9368 3080, email, or via the MyPestGuide app.
To assist DPIRD, residents with a box elder maple tree on their property or street should report the location of these trees, so DPIRD can check if they are infested with PSHB. Refer to DPIRD's Polyphagous shot-hole borer (PSHB) Australian Host List (PDF).
If you want to plant any new trees, consider planting a suggested species. Refer to DPIRD's Planting to help support eradication of PSHB information sheet (PDF).
Is PSHB in the City?
PSHB has been discovered in the City of Joondalup by DPIRD and are being managed. Refer to the DPIRD's Quarantine Area Map (PDF) to see the current spread of PSHB in Perth.
For further information about PSHB, visit the DPIRD website.
Development guidelines to protect street trees
The City encourages residents to develop plans which retain existing street trees.
Should a tree(s) still need to be removed (after building plan approval) due to the building works or the crossover location, the owner and/or builder will be required to reimburse the City for the amenity value of the tree(s) (Helliwell Method) and the costs incurred for removal and a replacement tree.
About the Helliwell Method
The Helliwell Method is a system used for visual amenity valuation of individual trees and woodlands. It was originally devised to make logical decisions in the planning and management of woodlands and urban tree populations.
Residents and developers are not permitted to undertake (or engage a contractor to undertake) removal or maintenance of street trees. Should it be found that a street tree has been damaged or removed, the property owner may be liable for the amenity value of the tree/s on the verge.