The Housing Opportunity Areas (HOA) are 10 areas within the City of Joondalup identified under the Local Housing Strategy to address population growth, anticipating future housing needs, and meeting State Government residential infill targets.
Properties situated within Housing Opportunity Areas are assigned dual density codes, such as R20/40. This dual density code means that property owners can only undertake redevelopment at the higher density code if they meet the requirements outlined in the Development in Housing Opportunity Areas Local Planning Policy below. This requirement ensures new developments achieve positive design outcomes, enhancing local streets and minimising adverse impacts on existing neighbourhoods.Conditions specific to development in Housing Opportunity Areas may relate to:
- Landscaping and designated street tree zones within the verge.
- Landscaping and lighting of common property areas in grouped or multiple dwelling developments.
- Establishing additional visitor parking or on-street car parking.
- Crossover location and design.
Review of the local housing strategy
At its May 2021 meeting, Council agreed to bring forward the review of the housing component of the City's Local Planning Strategy in response to ongoing, expressed community concern regarding the impacts of infill housing. The endorsed approach for the review includes two sub-projects, a 'housing review' (Building Sustainable Neighbourhoods) and an 'other matters' review which will be consolidated into a single statutory process that formally reviews the City's Local Planning Strategy and Local Planning Scheme No. 3.
Building Sustainable Neighbourhoods will make recommendations for how the City's planning framework can best meet the City's future housing needs and state government dwelling targets, including:
- What housing we need to meet community needs.
- Where different housing types and densities should be located across the City.
- The types of policy required to manage the form, sustainability, and liveability of future housing.
Developing in Housing Opportunity Areas
More information and contact
For more information contact the City's Planning Services on 9400 4000 or via