Registration and microchipping play a crucial role in reuniting lost cats with owners.
Registration and renewal requirements
Cats may be registered for a period of one year, three years, or lifetime. Cat registration requirements include:
- All cats must be registered, sterilised and microchipped from the age of six months.
- Your cat must wear a collar displaying a council registration tag.
- It is also recommended you include a name tag with owner’s name and contact number attached to the cat’s collar.
- Cats cannot be registered without proof of microchipping and sterilisation.
- Providing an alternative contact person when registering your cat is recommended. This can provide City Officers with an alternative contact if your cat has been found and you are not contactable.
- Some cats may be exempt from microchipping due to circumstances such as advanced age or other factors. In these instances, proof of a microchip exemption must be provided in writing from a registered veterinarian.
- Animals registered for one year or three years, are required to renew their registration on 31 October in the year of registration expiry.
How to register your cat
Register your cat:
- Online: Complete either of the following online forms:
- In person: Visit the Customer Care Centre, City of Joondalup, 90 Boas Avenue, Joondalup WA 6027
- Mail: Download and complete the registration form below and mail to City of Joondalup, PO Box 21, Joondalup WA 6919.
Important information: for renewal of cat registrations only, you will require the animal number allocated to your cat as displayed on your registration renewal letter.
Cat registration fees
Cat registration fees as of November 2013.
Fee type | 1 year | 3 year | Lifetime |
Full fees | $20 | $42.50 | $100 |
Pensioner concession* | $10 | $21.25 | $50 |
*Pensioner concessions apply to holders of the following cards:
- Pension Concession Card (issued by Centrelink or Department of Veteran Affairs) or
- State Concession Card or
- A WA Seniors Card together with a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card.
Healthcare cards and Department of Veterans Affairs Gold, White and Orange Cards are not accepted.
A copy of current concession card(s) must be submitted at the time of application for concessions to be applied.