Local history collections

Browse this collection of local history documents, photographs, oral histories, objects, newspaper articles and records preserved to celebrate the history, people, places and events of the Joondalup region. The collection contains a variety of resources on the history, development, environment and culture of the Joondalup and Wanneroo area, and provides researchers with a picture of life in the region from pre-European settlement times to the present day. 

Discover items such as: 

  • Books, reports, and unpublished theses
  • Oral histories
  • Maps 
  • Ephemera and memorabilia 
  • Posters 
  • Annual reports 
  • Road Board and Council documents 
  • Newspaper clippings 
  • Stories and suburb histories 

Picture Joondalup is a collection of photographs representing a visual record of the history of Joondalup and the surrounding region from European settlement to the present day. 

Browse Picture Joondalup 


Images held by Picture Joondalup are licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 Australia License and may be used for noncommercial research or study purposes for free. Please attribute City of Joondalup Libraries. 

Purchase images

Digital copies of our photographs are available to purchase. Images can be provided by email, secure online file transfer, or USB. Image sizes vary, and purchased images will be supplied as the best available copy. 

Picture Joondalup 

1st Image 

Additional Image(s) 

Inc. research and copyright 

Personal Use 




Commercial Use 





Members of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori communities are advised that Picture Joondalup may include images or names of people now deceased. 

How to order 

Purchase Picture Joondalup digital copies online 

To discuss your selection call 9400 4746.

Library staff have gathered information from the extensive Local History collection to produce these publications.

Saluting their service 

Saluting their service: stories from past to present highlights the military experiences of our community members. This book is intended to enrich our knowledge and understanding of the effects of war on individuals, families, and communities.  

Stories were compiled by Library staff using the Local History collection of photographs, mementos, and from interviews with and donations from community members who have served. 

This project was made possible through generous funding from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs under the Commonwealth Government’s Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program.  

The support and assistance of the Joondalup City RSL is gratefully acknowledged. 

Picture our past 

Picture our past: Celebrating Joondalup’s Past Together tells the story of how an isolated settlement became the modern-day Cities of Joondalup and Wanneroo. 

The book highlights historical photographs from the Picture Joondalup collection, interviews with residents, maps, newspaper articles, and images of memorabilia from the City’s Local History collection. Picture our Past captures the stories of the people who came from around the world to make this region their home and community. Copies are available to purchase or borrow from the Library on 9400 4740

Stories from the Suburbs 

These booklets provide comprehensive insights into the 22 suburbs within the City of Joondalup. Each booklet covers various aspects, including early history and development, local flora and fauna, community and recreational lifestyles, and places of interest. 

The content in these booklets has been diligently compiled by our Library staff. They have gathered information from the Local History collection, which includes photographs and mementos, as well as from interviews with community members, ensuring a thorough and informative perspective. 

View books

History Newsletter 

The quarterly newsletter focuses on our local area, people, and articles to help with your family history research

View the quarterly newsletter

Joondalup Libraries collect and conserve the spoken histories of people associated with the region through their work, family, clubs, military experience, sport associations, school, and social activities. 

The Oral History collection consists of nearly 440 interviews with residents who share their recollections and experiences. Recordings are available on CD for loan. Some histories have written transcripts and related photos. 

Register your interest

Visit the Local History area at Joondalup Library or browse the Library catalogue.

Donations of items that relate to the history and development of the people, organisations and suburbs of the Joondalup area are a welcome addition to the Local History collection.  If you wish to retain the original photos or documents, then staff can scan and return them to you.   

Donate now   

To discuss your donation call 9400 4746.

Local History

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