Community support programs

Residents in the City of Joondalup can access a range community support programs to suit all ages and backgrounds, including:

The City provides a database of community groups, facilities and activities.

View the Community Directory

Communities in-focus is a capacity building program benefiting community organisations and groups who are active in the City of Joondalup. Communities in-focus workshops and events engage guest speakers, facilitators and experts on a range of relevant topics and provide networking opportunities for participants.

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Community gardens provide various benefits, fostering social connections, promoting sustainable practices, and yielding edible produce. They create a sense of belonging and are rewarding for all ages.
A community garden requires oversight by an incorporated, not-for-profit group with resources to manage governance, membership, finances, insurances, and daily operations. 
The City’s role is: 

  • To provide information and guidance to community groups wishing to set up a garden. 
  • Support the approval process for the land allocation and structures upon the land once the garden is established. 

The community group is responsible for the operational running of the garden as well as sourcing funding and resources for sustainability.

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For financial counselling assistance please contact the National Debt Helpline on 1800 007 007 or find a local Financial Counsellor by visiting Financial Counsellors’ Association of Western Australia.

The City does not provide emergency relief payments. For information on concessions and subsidy schemes provided by the Government of Western Australia, visit

The City does not provide food vouchers. For a list of community support services view the Community Directory.

For assistance with applications for interest-free loans visit WA No Interest Loans Scheme.

Act Belong Commit, Australia’s longest running mental health promotion campaign, encourages individuals to take proactive steps to improve and safeguard their mental well-being.

The City of Joondalup has partnered with Mentally Healthy WA to champion the Act-Belong-Commit message, emphasising three core principles for positive mental health:

  • Act. Do something. Keep active – mentally, physically, socially, spiritually, culturally... Go for a walk, say hello, read a book, meditate or pray.
  • Belong. Do something with someone. Keep connected – to friends, family, and your community. Join a book club, join a sports team, take a cooking class, go to community events. 
  • Commit. Do something meaningful, important and valuable to you. Volunteer, learn something new, take on a challenge, take up a cause, help a neighbour. 

Being mentally healthy is essential for overall wellbeing. Good mental health is more than just the absence of mental illness. It’s about being able to deal with life’s challenges, maintain relationships, contribute to the community, and take pleasure and satisfaction from life. 

Being proactive and prioritising our mental health and wellbeing is key. The most effective way to promote and support your mental health is found in the principles of Act Belong Commit. 

Visit the Act Belong Commit website.

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