Community signage

Signage on public property has restrictions and various approvals depending on the type of sign. 

Types of signs 

  • Electronic and variable message boards (VMBs) can only be used as directional signs for traffic and cannot be used for advertising of businesses. VMBs that are placed on any thoroughfare, footpath or other public place as advertising may lead to impounding of the VMB and infringement. 
  • Portable signs. Advertising signs are not permitted on footpaths, thoroughfares or any location within the City as they can create a hazard to the public. Portable signage placed in public areas or on footpaths can become a hazard to the public and are generally not permitted where the sign is likely to obstruct line of sight along a thoroughfare or may create a hazard to any person using the thoroughfare. 
  • Home open portable direction signs are considered by the City to be temporary signs used for a home open, directing people to a listed premises.  
  • Community temporary signs are signs which provide opportunity for not-for-profit charitable, cultural, educational, recreational or community organisations to promote events and activities. 

Requirements for home open signs 

A home open portable direction sign may be erected or placed in a thoroughfare or verge and must: 

  • Not exceed 500mm in height or 0.5m² in area. 
  • Erected from 9am on the day the property is open for inspection until one hour after the close of inspection time. Any longer than this period is considered advertising, and may result in impounding of the sign(s) and infringements issued.
  • Include the address of the home open. 
  • Include the day and time of the home open.  
  • Not be erected or placed on a footpath or in any location where, in the opinion of the local government, the sign is likely to obstruct a line of sight along a thoroughfare or create a hazard for any person using the thoroughfare. 

The City may remove or impound an advertising sign or portable direction sign that is in a thoroughfare or verge and in contravention of this local law.  

Requirements for temporary community signs

Applications are required for community temporary signs. 

Please review the requirements and how to apply below:

  • Applications must be submitted no less than 14 days prior to the event. 
  • Each event is to be lodged as a separate application and include non-refundable fee of $30 for each application. “Temporary Advertising Sign” stickers will be supplied by the City once the application is approved. 
  • Community temporary signs may not be attached to a building or any other fixed structure or object. 
  • A-frame signs are not permitted. 
  • Signs must be maintained and well presented. 
  • Organisations that do not receive approval from the City and proceed to erect signs will have their signs removed and an infringement may be issued. 

Apply for Community Temporary Sign

Important note: non-compliant signs may be removed by the City. 

Frequently asked questions

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