Children’s Book Week is the annual celebration of children’s books and reading. Established in 1946, it is the longest running national literacy initiative in the country.
Each year, students and libraries from all over Australia spend a week celebrating Australian books, authors and illustrators. In addition, events hosted by the Libraries give children the opportunity to meet with their favourite authors and illustrators.
City of Joondalup Libraries hosted Children’s Book Week events over two and a half weeks, from Thursday 8 August – Friday 23 August 2024. The theme for 2024 was: Reading is Magic.
Public event
- Each year City of Joondalup Libraries host an event for the public to celebrate Children’s Book Week.
- This event is designed to expand literacy knowledge and entertain.
- The City was pleased to host Cameron the Magician this year who delighted with his award-winning Abra-Da-Cameron show for kids of all ages.
- Sessions were made available to local school students, with 1,510 students from 12 schools as well as 16 homeschool students attending.
- Students developed their literacy knowledge and were inspired to read, write and draw.
The City of Joondalup Libraries hosted a range of authors, illustrators and storytellers, to entertain and educate. This year we welcomed the following talented presenters:
Isobel Bevis | Josh Langley | Kristy Nita Brown | Tracey Dembo |
Amy Dunjey | Sharon Giltrow | HM Waugh | Gabriel Evans |
Aśka | Renée Treml | Perform Education | Cameron the Magician |
Our heartfelt thanks to all our presenters for making Children’s Book Week 2024 magical!